May the Food be with you.
Jul 12


Hey guys.


I just wanted to acknowledge that there has been some turbulence in the up-time of the site as of late. Unfortunately this has been out of my hands and in my hosting provider’s. DreamHost (who I have used for years and years without trouble) decided to change up the server hardware that my site is hosted on without warning and this caused a couple of days of intermittent service a little while ago. Then after all that was finally said and done the mandatory auto-upgrade of WordPress that DreamHost does crippled my ability to edit the site for a day. Then the rollback/restore that fixed that ended up jacking up the site’s file structure so I had to shuffle some things around and reupload some images. I wanted to apologize for the shoddiness and assure you that I’m working on moving towards a more stable system. Thanks for your patience guys. There are new recipes in the works and another exciting development brewing that I’ll be able to tell you about shortly. Stay tuned.

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