May the Food be with you.
Jun 12
Jun 12

Wherein Shit Gets Real


After highschool I planned to go to art school, but I ended up in the Navy.  After the Navy I planned to go to school again, but I ended up traveling the world on my own for a bit.  When I came back I planned to save up some money and travel even more, but I ended up going to school.  I planned on transferring and then I made a silly comic about chili and put it on the internet.  If there’s one thing about my life that I can always count on, it is that I never end up where I plan.  And really, that’s been the very best part about it.  I can never know what’s going to happen next. And what follows here is probably one of the craziest detours I’m like to take.


Yep.  Today’s the day, folks.  I’ve known for a little more than a week, but now I finally get to tell you.


It is my sincerest pleasure to announce that Perigee Books will be publishing the very first Cooking Comically cookbook in the Fall of next year.  That’s happening.  Officially.


If you told me a year ago that I would be publishing a book I would’ve thought “Ok that’s weird, but vaguely plausible…”  But, if you told me it was going to be a cookbook, I would’ve assumed you were on some kind of hard drugs (as opposed to a time traveler who bounces around telling people random facts about their future).  But here we are.


Thank you to everyone who has been reading and cooking and sharing.  It’s been amazing and I expect it will continue to be so.  The website will continue on as it has (with some eventual improvements) and in the background I will be working my hardest to produce a book that is worthy of the people that make this endeavor possible.  That’s you, by the way.  I know next fall is a long ways off, but designing, fabricating and distributing a book is an unavoidably long process.  I hope you’ll stick with me.




As we walk and make plans in the dark.


Jun 12
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