May the Food be with you.
Apr 12

An update and thoughts on advertising


Hey guys.  I just thought I would throw out a quick update for anyone who may have missed it on facebook/twitter.  The book proposal is officially done.  Not only that, but on Thursday this week it was sent out to various publishers and editors who will review it, discuss it, decide on it, etc.  In a few weeks time I should have something to report on the fate of a Cooking Comically Cookbook.  I know it’s something that a lot of people want and a publisher’s help would be welcome, but one way or another I’ll find a way to get it out to you.  As a small celebration, here are 2 concept covers that I did for the proposal.  One hereThe other hereWallpaper of the second one here.  Edit:  I should stress that these are in no way final designs.


On another topic… I’ve now been approached by a number of advertising services and so far I’ve turned them all down.  It’s not that I’m against advertising–I do think it can be an effective business model– I just have some strong opinions on the subject.  I want more control over what is displayed on the site than I think many people are willing to give me.  I demand the final say in who advertises, the size of the ad, the type of ad, and what the ad is for.  There will be no pop-ups (fucking obviously, this isn’t 1997), no commercial site takeovers, and no sound nor video in ads here.  When ads do come to this site I will insist upon them being simple, effective, tasteful and, as best as I can determine, relevant to the interests of my readers.  If you think you can provide that for me, then my email is in the about section, you have my ear.


One last thing.  Who’s interested in shirts/aprons?


Apr 12
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