May the Food be with you.
Nov 11
Nov 11

Syrup Silliness


That one singular picture of Log Cabin syrup in the pancake recipe has provoked more outrage, criticism and “fail”s than probably anything I’ve ever done.  And that’s pretty funny.  I guess I just never realized that maple syrup had fanboys.



As the recipe makes its rounds on the internet I get sporadic influxes of comments and emails etc. and I’ve gotten so much flack for that syrup that I figured I’d go ahead and put this out there:  I don’t care what kind of syrup you use.  I don’t care if you use syrup at all.  Whether you want to slather your pancakes with honey mustard or tap the finest, mapleiest syrup straight out of a tree, I don’t care.  As long you think it tastes good, that’s all that matters.  And I happen to like “fake” syrup (and its price tag).  It’s what I grew up with.  So why do you care?  I get that you don’t like it and that’s fine.  But, I’ve never said that anyone has to use exactly the same brand of ingredients that I do.  That would be ridiculous.  It never once mentions “Log Cabin” in text anywhere on the recipe.  It’s just in that one picture because it’s what I personally used.  I’m not trying to sell it.  So when someone writes “God, I can’t believe he used Log Cabin.  FAIL”  it comes off, to me, like a desperate grab for some false sense of superiority.  Like, “haha look how dumb and uninformed that guy is compared to me and my real syrup.”  Come on.  Syrup?  Really?  That’s going to be your measuring stick for the character of a person?  The only thing pettier than that is a singer named Tom.


Now, I make jokes about chili packets or bisquik, but I’ve used both before and a lot.  I don’t have anything against them.  Not really.  People can’t always afford to buy tons of ingredients or shop at a local organic grocery store.  I understand that very well because I am one of those people.  My last trip to the local Whole Foods cost me more than double what it would at a regular store.  I just can’t do that all the time and I’m never going to expect you to.  Make no mistake, I don’t do fine dining or cuisine.  I’m not a chef and my recipes will NEVER require anything that you cannot find at an average American grocery store (because that’s what I have access to).  You’re going to see me use low-rent ingredients and it’ll be on you to upgrade if you so choose.  But, even at the base level I will never make a comic from a recipe that I don’t stand by.  And I stand by my pancakes.  I think they’re delicious no matter what kind of syrup you use.  So, do me and everyone around you a kindness:  Grow up, realize that other people like things that you don’t, and get over it.


To the rest of you:  Thank you so much for the kind comments and actual constructive criticism.  I love you.


New recipe is forthcoming.




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