May the Food be with you.
Oct 15

Welcome to the Party, Pal



Hello everyone. As you can see, Cooking Comically is back. In force.


Starting today there will be a new recipe every Thursday of every week.


I know a lot of you are wondering where I’ve been and I’m sure some of you assume that I published the book and am now swimming in money and/or the Caribbean. This is not what happened. There simply isn’t much money (none for me yet, in fact) in traditional publishing unless you sell a ton of books. And I didn’t. I had to get a full time job afterward to keep myself afloat and start paying off student loans. That paired with a multitude of very personal issues that I’m not willing to discuss with the internet at large, I ended up in a not-so-great place to produce anything of value. I lost heart for a while, but I never stopped thinking about Cooking Comically. I should not have gone completely dark. That was a mistake and I apologize.


Over the past year I worked through the things that had me in the mind-dumpster, dug a little ways out of my hole, and am now in a good place to resume the shenanigans and give Cooking Comically the attention I’ve always wanted to.


I would like to thank everyone who, over the past year, has sent kind messages of support. You’ve asked how I was, where I was, if I was ok, hoping that I would return, etc. Even if I didn’t respond, it really helped. I promise.


Lastly, but also importantly, you’ll notice I’m now running a Patreon campaign. This is my bid to make Cooking Comically something that can sustain itself and maybe even me. I encourage you to check it out and consider supporting me. It would mean a lot and there might even be things in for you that you’d like. 


So. I’m back. Enjoy the show.




Oct 15



Oct 15
Dec 11
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